Pad Yatra - Take a step

Veröffentlicht auf von Peter Wirthumer

There are numerous ways to promote environmental sustainability, responsible consumation and similar values. However you do it, you have to "take a step" - that's the motto of the Pad Yatra, a walking pilgramage over the Himalaya.


Organized by the "United Nations Association" (which I joined) and "Asia Society", the film was shown in NY yesterday. It was an inspiring and impressive documentary about this walk over the world's "3rd glacier" and largest water supply... yeah for China, India and SE-Asia... that's an incredible number of people!!! Due to careless littering, the quality of the water is in danger. So they were picking up trash all along the road. Due to deforestation, soil erosion becomes more probably, threatening villages and habitats. Therefore the Drubka was educating villagers to plant trees, mounting in a Guiness Record book entry.



Long Story, short: I liked the movie, not only as a documentary, but also as an inspiration for determination, endureness and hope.



Take a Step!

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