New News ;)

Veröffentlicht auf von Peter


Tuesday, 7.9.2010, second day at work.

Well, yesterday I have been told that I should arrive something around 11 o’clock at work. Seems pretty serious to me, what do you think?

After going back from the hotel, I met a man, who has been to Austria as IAESTE Student 3 years ago. In fact, his german was quite good and he was happy to speak that language again. He had left wife and children in Uzbekistan for  one year and tried to get a good step in Austria. He wanted to apply for the mechanical studies, but his application was turned down because lack in german language. Good Austrian foreign policies (sarcastic!).  Here in Tashkent is also a “Goethe Institut”, and there will be an event on Saturday. Time to be curious ;).

On the way home, there is a little park, always crowded with a few men, spending the last hours of the day. I joined them, speaking a little Russian. That’s the daily practice!

Today I got up very comfortable about 8 o’clock. It was not so hot, so i went out for a little jogging. No need for stress, I just have to be at work at 11a.m.. I had breakfast (something similar to omelette, made by the wife I can’t understand), learn a little Russian and went to “work”.
I get always a classroom there for my own, similar to the ones in Nice. Means very poorly equipped.



Well, I was there for one hour reading some papers (I had to download at the hotel,.. well not Internet anywhere in the University) and then came a teacher, who had no idea about me. No problem, he went away and I started talking with some medicine students, telling them something about my veeeery interesting work here. After a few minutes of me talking poor Russian (as usual) the professor returned and asked me very shy: “May I start the lesson?” Well, I already have authority here ;). Урок здесь is not really hard… well half an hour the teacher is talking, nobody is listening and then… finish!

For interested people: My work is supposed to be the creation of a algorithm to check graphs for Isomorphism.


Thursday, 9.9.2010 – preparing for the first party event in Tashkent

My (eng Vorgänger) is leaving on Saturday.. that’s why he want to dinner with most of the friends he met here and go afterwards to a Nightclub… I’m curious ;).

I adapted myself more or less to life here, problems with digestion included. The beer is tasty and plov is just great (the national uzbek food, when I’m back, I will try to cook it, promised!). Apart from that are not a less of world-breaking news, yesterday I met also one couchsurfer, who explained history and sights better than any guide could do it – from the carrying to the crying mother.

Working is really hard here… that means, it’s hard if I really want to work ;). Nice colleagues in the room, I mostly try to learn Russian. Сегодна я бриюсь усы но нет бороду ;).

Today I have been after work (that means after 2 p.m.) to the Amir Temur  LINK (great conqueror) Museum here in Tashkent and get this: They want to charge the double-price to allow making photos. No match for a well-educated photographer (thanks to my mother :D):


Saturday, 11.09

Today happened something interesting – I changed from tourist to guide. During going out, we met a german (What else?), who is just here for a few days. And so I showed him around the already known Bazar to a mosque and some other interesting things ;). But what I can admit,.. it’s really impossible to escape the claws of germany, get this picture taken in front of an restaurant (yes, really here in Tashkent)











A thing that I’m missing here is sport. During the day it’s mostly to hot, just in the evening or in the  morning temperature is friendly to do sports. I also found a really nice  park, but unfortunately it takes 30min by public transports (so how much by jogging?). I found even there a little thing what would make geneve jealous:

Well, the last days, not a lot happened. I adapt myself quite fine to life here, I get in contact with a few couch surfers and I always try to speak Russian, even if it is hard. People here also recognize me as a valuable partner to try their English.

And I found out one really great information. The german Band “Die Toten Hosen” are going to perform here in Tashkent on 24th September. I already wrote to the german embassy that I want to have a ticket… Well, I got the information that it will be seated, no dancing or any movements from the public. Will be interesting ;)

For the end, a little picture of art:


And a little truth from amur timur, palced in a wonderful parc (unfortunately to far from home for jogging):

Поймите, люди всей земли: Вражда – плохрое дело, живите в дружбе меж собой – нет лучшело удела.

For non-russian speakers:

Know, all human kind: The greatest curse is enemity, the greatest blessing – Amity


Monday, 13.09  at my most beloved Wi-Fi Hotel

It’s already getting dark here quite early… I wanted to read during the last minutes of sun, but I had to stop at 18 o’clock. Additionally, it’s getting a bit cold. No hot desert summer here. Also the people are saying that it’s quite unusual to become that cold in September. Well, it’s still better than in Austria, even if I go home in the rain (which was the case on Saturday evening).
I met with another Couchsurfer (hot chick!) and she took me first to an Irish Pub (they are everywhere…). A few funny beers later, I took a Taxi home. Hard bargaining leads to bad luck – that means that the driver doesn’t know the way while driving somebody who lives here for one week. Well, I got a 30minute drive instead of 10, but in the end, I managed to tell him the way ;).

Today I went again to the university – I avoid to call it work anymore ;). I’m really trying to do something there, but the average working moral isn’t so high. This is why I just try to avoid speaking English and try every day some new Russian phrases. Today I learned a jaw-breaker:

Говорит попугай попугаю я тебя попугай попугаю.

With this, I wish you the best in every corner of the world!

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<br /> YEAH Thanks for the news from tashkent<br /> <br /> try not to work to hard and enjoy the days ;-)<br /> grüße aus wien!<br /> <br /> <br />