A Greek at Moody's?

Veröffentlicht auf von Peter Wirthumer

Yesterday I received an E-Mail to participate in an Interview Workshop at Moody&Corp. When i told this a greek class colleague, he started to laugh and told me his story:


He applied last year to Moody's and came to the 2nd round. But when his mother heard about that, she became really angry. So by the time he went to the interview, he had really bad feeling. Especially as the location is just next to Ground Zero. While he had this interview he was looking down at this historical landmark in the middle of New York. He didn't really liked the feeling and apparently this also determined the result. Now he is studying with me ;).


That reminds me of my past desire to work at BCG. I had my interview for an internship in the sa

me week as I had the interview for Fulbright. Well... you know the rest of the story, as I'm now writing as a Fulbrighter, not as a BCG consultant (if I would be working at BCG, most likely I wouldn't have the time to write :D).



So in the end, it turned out to be a good thing for me that I have been rejected!!!

Coming back to yesterday... After our last class of the week (applied econometrics,... i will write about that another time :D), it's already a tradition to go out. I mean, the class lasts until 9p.m., it's on thursday, so what else should we do? ;) There is a nice bar, called "Howl at the moon" where they sell pitchers for 9 bucks and also show the Thursday Night Football game. There was almost nobody there except us. But at about midnight, they put away all the tables and an seemingly infinite number of undergrads enter the bar... That's the time when the grads leave :D.


Starting tomorrow, I'm going to participate in the "Global Classroom Project". International students volunteer to present their countries in high schools &colleges to promote cultural exchange. Long story short, I will present Austria.


So I ask you:
What shall I tell them about Austria? ;) Please write in a comment or mail me!


As I slept at a friends place, I was biking home in the morning. My roommates are both undergrads as well and above story may be valid for them as well: When I came home at 11am, they were still sleeping :).


On my way home, I say a really awesome police officer leading the traffic (sorry for all the cars in the way :D):




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